
30 12 2010

…is knowing that a box of yarn arrived on your doorstep in the afternoon when you left for vacation that morning.

it contains a skein of lornas laces shepard sock in zombie bbq.

le sigh.  i was hoping to knit with it over my vacation. thankfully the fil is picking up our mail.

plan of attack

22 01 2010

we all have excuses for NOT doing the things that we want to do.  and who wants to be the girl who makes excuses?  i’m done with excuses!!  i just need a plan…feel free to waddle through my chain of consciousness as i reason myself into submission (otherwise, click next in your RSS reader and standby for another more knitting-related submission):

okay.  i’ve become one of those bloggers who says on a (not so) consistent basis, “I must really post more!!”.  let’s be serious people, we all know that really bloggers walk-the-walk, not just talk-the-talk!!  i must not be a real blogger.  i realize that my life will not be documented in a movie and nor will i ever be offered a book deal that chronicles my creative living.  well.  i’m okay with that.  i think…right now my desire to write posts may just be to justify the subscription cost for my domain name and mapping from wordpress.  or maybe i miss the community of knit blogging and need to reintroduce myself. or MAYBE i really do need an outlet for the right side of my brain.  no matter.  this all boils down posting frequency.  what is keeping me from posting?

1.  lack of camerage.

sure, sure…i have the old point and shoot, but it takes terrible picture.  knit blogging (hell, blogging in general) is much more interesting with some eye-candy.  poorly shot photos with bad lighting and ugly staging just makes for some UN-inspiring posts.  i have to find the charger on our ancient camera and set up the studio that my husband gave me.

2.  lack of inspiration.

funding has been cut.  yarn clubs are but fleeting memory.  my knitting group has dissolved with my lys closing.

3.  lack of time.

i know.  wah.  in my defense i did just start a new career…and a lot of my time off work is spent in gym (a result of three things: A. a 15-20 lb gain over last year; B. a SIGNIFICANT drop in my metabolism and; C. i’m attempting a sprint triathalon for 2010).  all of this equals little time for knitting. oh.  and must-see tv.  yet i still manage to knit.  hm.  something is not jiving.

so how do i overcome these things?  how about one step at a time?

  1. find the camera charger
  2. set up the studio
  3. find inspiration with what you have (duh! i need to do a yarn/project photoshoot)
  4. blog in baby steps!

this weekend, i’ll get #1 & #2 done.  i’m putting it in rtm right now (rtm = remember the milk = FAAaaaAA – bu -LoUs!).  i’m hoping that the field of dreams effect will take over, and the blogging will roll out naturally…



28 11 2009


just wanted to see if I could post from my phone. 🙂

“a short post”…..or “soup!!”

28 11 2009

hello strangers, it’s me!

i’ve had an on-again, off-again relationship with this blog.  but this is mainly due to the fact that i had been in hell graduate school trying to earn my master of science in nursing…the knitting has been sporadic (which is definitely disheartening)…the yarn shopping even less frequent. but i am hoping to get back on top of things and get my creative juices flowing again.

since i am devoid of anything knitting related (and knitting pictures!)…i’ll post my most recent kitchen victory:  potato soup!  This was a product of the CSA bounty we had this fall.  (CSA = community supported agriculture).   We often struggled to find dishes to prepare with the, at times, weird food combos.  however, this soup just came together.  i made a giagantous batch of the stuff.  the neighbors loved it.  my brother’s MIL said it was better than her “good cook’ husband’s potatoe soup.  even my filipino parents liked the soup – and they are NOT soup people.

potato soup with leeks & mushrooms


      • bacon, 4 or 5 strips
      • 2 medium carrots, diced
      • 1 small onion, diced
      • 2 celery stalks, diced
      • 1 pint button mushrooms, diced
      • 3 leeks, chopped
      • 3 medium potatoes, peeled & cubed
      • 2T butter
      • 1T herbs de provence
      • 1t ground coriander
      • 1/2 & 1/2, 1 pint
      • chicken broth, 1 box
      • salt & pepper to taste


      1. in large stock pot, render fat from bacon.  reserve bacon for garnish, if desired.
      2. add butter, then saute onion, carrots, celery, leeks and mushrooms until tender.
      3. add chicken broth and potatoes.  bring to a boil then turn down to a simmer until potatoes are tender.
      4. temper 1/2 & 1/2, add to soup.
      5. in a blender or food processor, blend soup in small batches to a smooth consistency.
      6. adjust seasonings if needed.  garnish with whatever you choose!  (bacon, croutons, green onions, cheese…sky’s the limit)
      7. enjoy!

i hope you get the chance to try it!  don’t forget to save me some!

25 random things about me, a facebook crosspost.

30 01 2009

a friend tagged me on facebook…so i’m posting here and there!  consider yourself tagged if you want to play along.

1.  i don’t have interests, i have obsessions.  seriously.

2.  my feet are always cold.  i wear wool socks in the summer, too.

3.  one of my first nicknames was motorcycle head.  (i had really long hair my mom used to put into long pigtails).

4.  i am married to the most wonderful man in the world.  and he’s hot.  (bonus!)

5.  i feel guilty when i buy yarn.  so i can only buy in small quantities.  i think this is why i knit mostly small projects like socks and lace.

6.  i’m turning into my mother.  i am both pleased and mortified.

7.  i prefer silence to background noise.  yup.  no tv white noise…and radio only when i sing along or with talk radio.

8.  i am really glad i’m a nurse.

9.  i like to play the lottery once a week because it’s fun damnit!

10.  stupid people annoy me.  rude people infuriate me. people who are both stupid and rude should be shot.

11.  i recycle. i hate feeling trendy about it, though.

12.  i tend to get along with people that most others don’t.

13.  i once ate white castle every day for almost a whole month.  my arteries still hate me. no i don’t know why i did it.

14.  i am a nurse and a hypochondriac but i avoid medicine at all costs.  i think it’s a sub-conscious protest against all the other hypochondriacs and people who think there is a pill to cure everything.

15.  i am currently procrastinating.

16. my favorite color is black. it’s hard for me to wear anything else comfortably.

17.  i am a gadget freak.  my current dream device will replace my phone/pda/ipod/camera/gps/wallet.  this device does not exist yet…and it must be on verizon’s network.  my contract is not up yet.

18.  sometimes i think google has made me dumberer.

19.  i don’t like strangers touching me. can’t stand back massages (from said strangers)

20. i can fall asleep standing up.  i can sleep anywhere.  it is both a blessing and a curse.

21. i forget birthdays and significant holidays on a yearly basis.

22.  i like prunes.  they remind me of spending time with my grandmother.  they taste good and they keep you regular!!

23.  i am completely and utterly paranoid about getting bug bites.  cannot take it.  they think i’m a friggin all you can eat buffet.

24.  i voted against both Bush and McCain.  for the first time in years i feel hopeful for the future of the country.

25. if i were a monster i’d want to be a vampire.  but i promise i’m not in love with edward.

dear ravelry,

21 01 2009

i didn’t know how to say this in person, so i am writing this in a letter.

i think we need to break up.  our relationship is not healthy.  but i hope it softens the blow when i say, and please, forgive the cliche, it’s me – not you.

i thought i loved you.  really, i think it’s more an obsession. how many nights should i have gone to bed but instead spent the evening with you?  you had all the answers.  you made me laugh.  you showed me things that no one else could.  remember how you introduced me to all of those lace projects?  we we’re together time just rushes away…we have so much to talk about…

then i realized that i needed you more than you needed me.

all my issues of codependence aside, i knew that our time together has taken away from another that i care very deeply about.  my blog.  my original muse.  my blog cared about ME, depended on ME…applauded my successes and encouraged my creativity.  with you it’s just empty desire.

and besides all that.  i know there are others you are involved with.  i knew that from the start.  so i can’t blame you.  and of course, we can still be friends…if you want.  i’ll visit.  i promise.


.: tani :.


all silliness aside, i’m going to make an effort to keep off ravelry…you know, remove it from my fav’d links and all….i’m still thoroughly addicted…but as much as ravelry brings the knitting community together, i feel more isolated.  and somehow i attribute the popularity of ravelry to the demise of many of my favorite bloggers.  it is a time suck.  and i’m sure if we charted the rise of raverly against the number of knitting posts, they would be inversely related.

forums were never my bag, either.  the small coversations i used to have over comments seem more warm and relevant to me.  anyway, i’m guilty of blog abandonment, and not all due to ravelry…

hmmm…maybe the best of both worlds would involve rav-blogging…

(sigh)  the reality is that life is busy and most likely we will all be weaving in and out of our relationships with our blogs and ravelry until our craft becomes more of a priority in our lives…and not to sound too sappy – but the center of my life is my husband and family.  knitting is so very important to me (and my sanity!) but they come first.  so i guess we’ll have to settle for transient relationships.

hi there

4 04 2008

i just thought i’d post to let you know that i’m still alive. 🙂

life has been super busy; but knitting has not been forgotten. i’ve made a few, er, five pairs of socks and i’m dreaming of making an einstein coat…but pictures and words will be at a minimum as i try to keep it together.

i do miss blogging…but something’s gotta give, ya know?

reading time!

23 07 2007

i often lament how little time i have to read books…i just discovered a service that can nudge me along with my literary goals. the service is called dailylit. it allows busy people to read by dividing public domain books into bite-sized pieces and delivering them to you via rss or email! how cool is that? i have yet to try it out….i’m deciding what i should read, any suggestions?

want to use those spare moments to get a couple of rows in? how about librivox? librivox provides free audiobooks (public domain) for you audiophiles. i’ve listened to a couple of sample chapters of different books. the quality ranges from ok to excellent! but there is little room for complaining since you don’t spend a dime and you don’t sacrifice knitting time.

i found these things while researching phones…butter just got a blackberry 8830 world edition phone. so cute. i want! however, i wonder if i should just stick with palm and go for the treo? any thoughts? i had a treo for 2 seconds. while i loved the familiar interface, it seems sluggish compared to the blackberry. sigh. i’m thinking too much about it, aren’t i?

here’s one of my not yet blogged about projects….(at least, here’s a photo of the yarn i’m using)…


misti cotton in natural | worsted weight 2 ply
1 skein | 83% peruvian pima cotton : 17% silk | 100 g : 191 yds
destined to become a baby bolero (thanks for the idea gena!)
oh, so soft!!!!

 edited to add:  i did get the hp book on saturday…and i devoured every single page.  poor butter, he washed and waxed my car while i sat inside.  (k).  i won’t give any spoilers…but i will say i LOVED the book.  the ending was a bit too neatly tied up for me, but…i still loved it.  🙂

bertie bott’s every flavor beans

12 07 2007

i bet every harry potter fan has wanted to try bertie bott’s every flavor beans (by jelly belly). these are just one of the delightful candies that harry discovers when he enters the wizarding world. and they do mean every flavor.

along with buttered popcorn, tutti-frutti and cherry, there are flavors like vomit, dirt, booger and earthworm. ugh. (okay, technically the jelly belly sight doesn’t list these, only mugglenet…but maybe they are the mystery flavors? or the sight isn’t updated?).


have you tried them yet?

a word of warning though….


avoid this color. it tastes like dirt. no, really. just like potting soil.

we had a ton of fun at the movie premiere. we spotted many muggles dressed as hogwart’s students, waving their wands or showing off their house colors (i’m a griffyndor, what are you?). while we waited for the movie to start we tortured ourselves by eating these things…and then stuffed our faces with candy, popcorn and soda. the movie was awesome!!! true, it swayed from the book a bit, but do you actually expect for all of the details to shine through? i suspect that non-fans might get a bit bored since the character and plot development were a little thin…still though, very entertaining!!!

in knitting related news…along with some bare laceweight merino, pockets for my needle case, and 32″ – 2.5 mm, 3.0 mm & 3.25 mm circs…i recieved this:

kp gloss in cocoa – 880 yards

it’s very lovely. i think i will make it into a small shawl, i think. or if i give into my “only superwash rule”…i may cave and do some cabled socks. but maybe i’ll knit something outof my charmed knits first…

win some yarn, you lucky dog! (contest rules)

15 06 2007

hi all…i’ve finally the time to sit down to write a post about my blog contest. while i was at knitter’s review, i had the time of my life. how could you not? there was yarn; there was knitting; there was good company. while it would be all too easy to be selfish and keep my kc memories all to myself, i wanted someone to share my joy.

i don’t want to wax philosophical, but sometimes i feel like i take for granted that i am a lucky person. i have shelter and food. i have a wonderful fiance (i love you) and family (i love you too!). i am healthy. and i have a stable job. but it is all to easy to throw perspective off when the details and fussiness of life creeps in. for example, my last three shifts at work were miserable…so miserable they make me question if being a nurse is worth my physical, mental and emotional energy. sometimes that environment is filled with so many poisonous personalities, you wonder why anyone would want to be a nurse. but then i remember that my job is not about me. it’s about healing, helping and supporting. it’s about providing for my family. and (okay, maybe it is a little about me)…it’s about having extra cash to spend on a little something to make me happy. because i am lucky.

so as i sit here, bleary-eyed and worn down, i want to celebrate being lucky.

tell me why you are lucky and what you appreciate about your life, your job, your hobby, or whatever. it can be rather mundane or completely profound.

i’ll randomly pick a winner from the comments left to this post one week from today-ish. the winner gets their choice of colorway of the chameleon colorworks evolution yarn (2 skeins), as posted on my previous post. i also may dig through my stash and find something else to give away, just to make the pot a little sweeter.

i hope this post finds you in a happy mood!

here’s a friday fiber pic (this one, i’m keeping!)



yarnlove, joan of arc (sock yarn) in sincerity
1 skein | 50% merino, 50% tencel | 4 oz : 410 yards
notes: such a sheen with subtle color! purchased at knitters connection