goodbye 2010….hello 2011!

31 12 2010

currently on vacation visiting our besties. the eight hour drive allowed me to finish my watermelon clown vomit socks. imagine this… dusk was quickly approaching as I was finishing up the toe (and we were almost there!)…about to kitchener…but my darning needle was stuck in my luggage in the trunk! the horror!

kitchenering without a needle? dammit, I was finishing the sock before we arrived. I closed the toe by ‘hooking’ the yarn through the loops with another dpn!


this is sam…what a handsome model!

happy new year to you and yours. may your next 365 bring you much joyous knitting and yarn!

my knitting life has taken a back seat to other things that have piqued my interests. but with less yarn and needles there is a little black hole growing. i miss my knitting friends, online and in RL. truthfully, we have all developed other interests…and ravelry (awesomest knitterly website ever) has quieted the blogging knit world a bit.

in 2011 i’ll have to devote some real time rediscovering online knitting destinations and finding new knitweb treasures. link it up in the comments if you wish (a head start would be nice).



30 12 2010

…is knowing that a box of yarn arrived on your doorstep in the afternoon when you left for vacation that morning.

it contains a skein of lornas laces shepard sock in zombie bbq.

le sigh.  i was hoping to knit with it over my vacation. thankfully the fil is picking up our mail.

lost post

26 12 2010


I just lost the last 15 minutes of my life! (my phone ate my post).

christmas = good
knit = fountain pen shawl
gift = for aunt sally
I like the yarn = kp shadow

on my second sock = just turned heel

happy day. bye

watermelon clown vomit

21 12 2010


More socks are on the needles…and this time I have a picture! (forgive the lighting…my phone’s camera is a pretty poor excuse for a camera).  I realized that I am in dire need for new socks. Many of my old ones are showing signs of wear with bare spots, little holes, big holes, and felting. Yup, even the superwash socks are felting.

I normally machine wash but hang dry them…but even so…they are probably aging faster than they should. I think this may mean I will be gravitating toward german sock yarn with some sort of nylon in it.  The socks made of this type of yarn in my collection have fared best. Sigh. But I love merino superwash! Too bad I’m too lazy to hand wash!

The socks above were based on a stitch pattern I saw on Ravelry (but for the life of me can’t remember what it was from).  Here are the details:

Yarn:  from in Watermelon (aka clown vomit)
Needles: US1 dpns
Pattern: my own
Details: CO 72, k2p2 cuff, ribbed leg with single stitch cross over every 5 to 6 rows, slipped heel stitch, dec to 12 on toe, kitchener closed.
Notes: don’t you just hate the color pooling?