wip: gaptastic cowl or a first knitting project?

12 11 2014

my first (real) knitting project was… do you remember fun fur?

i was in the craft aisle at meijer, or another big box store,  and was taken aback with the PLETHORA of colorful furry skeins of yarn piled up on the shelves. i grabbed two purple skeins and some susan bates (right?) straight needles that were about 12 feet long. my mom taught me to knit when I was a young child…and surprisingly, i remembered how to cast on and knit (i actually was knitting tbl but didn’t realize it until later)…anyway, out of this a scarf was born and gifted to my then 6ish year old stepdaughter.

endless seed stitch

a friend asked me to help her get started knitting.  she picked out the GAP-tastic cowl by jen geigley…have you seen it?  well, 12,000+ projects can’t be wrong!  it is truly a beautiful knit…but geez endless seed stitch!  and….well…is this really a good first knit?

for someone who hasn’t yet mastered the knit or purl, i’m not sure it is.  it is a tad more difficult to read your knitting and maneuvering the yarn forward and backward may be challenging.  luckily, my friend is a fearless and quick learner.  she just needs to loosen her death grip on the needles.

oh, and random new knitter tip…avoid dark/black yarn for your first few projects.  it’s way too hard to see.

happy knitting!



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