seriously. do you even wonder…

12 05 2008

…why i don’t blog as much?

i thought i would steal a few moments and knit a few rows on my lace ribbon scarf. now before you scroll down and take a peek at the picture below, consider two things.

  1. this is my camera phone. (note to self, don’t take knitting pictures with the phone)
  2. i have just worked 3 night shifts in a row. prior to the last shift, i had three hours of sleep thanks to mother nature and the tornado sirens.

ok, take a deep breath and marvel at the stupidity:

wtf?!?! lace ribbon scarf
pattern: the lace ribbon scarf by veronik avery
knit picks gloss in cocoa
started: april 13, 2008

what you are viewing folks, is what looks like a bite out of my knitting. somehow i managed to stop knitting IN THE MIDDLE OF MY ROW and started to knit back. for at least and inch before i noticed.

please, just walk away and pretend you didn’t see this.



9 responses

12 05 2008

The horror, the horror!

12 05 2008


12 05 2008
Valerie in San Diego

Oh man. I’ve done some mighty silly things to my own knits when I was sleep-deprived, so I sympathize!

13 05 2008

you need some sleep…….

13 05 2008

yeah, but what if, just WHAT IF, those had been air-raid sirens. think about THAT. and is our brain mostly fat, or chicken? think about THAT.

20 05 2008

What if c.a.t. actually spelled d.o.g……
I’m going to be up all night thinking about that chicken thing!

30 09 2008
cut the cord

yeah… i’ve done that before too… and it’s hilarious to look down at and be like “WTF was i DOING?!?” and then realize exactly what.

26 11 2008

*averts eyes* the knitting still looks really nice (life line!) So nice to hear from you! I’ve been unemployed and writing mojo is nowhere to be found. are you on Ravelry? since you’re not sleeping any more, i figured you have all that extra time now 😉

28 11 2008

*giggle* i admire you for having the guts to publish this – and well you should to remind those experienced knitters out there that are there are some (like you and me) who are less experienced, or often too tired, to concentrate too well on their project!! i don’t even know how to knit such lace items so there you go!!

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